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Showing posts with the label Grateful Dead

2018 Fresno Grizzlies “Grateful Dead Night”

Fans of the Grateful Dead do not need another reminder of this but today is the 29th anniversary of the passing of J erry Garcia who was  the band's principal songwriter, guitarist and vocalist. I can still remember sitting in that summer school geometry classroom when I heard the news on August 9, 1995. I was more into hip-hop and punk rock at the time but the older kids I looked up to thought the Dead was cool so I sort of did too, I suppose. Garcia would have turned 82 this year which is how old he looked due to  his stark white bushy beard and mane of frizzy hair due to hard living however he was actually only  53 years old when he died. At the time I was a teenager and now being three times as old as I was then, I realize I am nearly as old as Jerry was when he died which is a very perplexing realization. At any rate, much like baseball  has had a big impact on my life , so has Garcia's music which is why it makes me so happy to see these two interests of mine i...