We're only a week into the 2022 MLB season and can you even believe I'm already pivoting to a cap of a non-baseball team for this week's Fresh Fitted Friday post? Well, at least it's for good reason as the hat I'm sharing with you good folks is the perfect hat for today as National Laundry Day is celebrated every year on April 15. Fun fact: Chef Thomas Keller's Michelin 3-star restaurant in the Napa Valley got its name because the original site on which The French Laundry currently stands was a laundry. For this reason, the clothespin is a touchstone of the restaurant's branding to this day. This collaboration between Ebbets Field Flannels and The French Laundry was produced in 2019 in honor of the famed California restaurant's 25th anniversary . As the name of the restaurant suggests, The French Laundry's cuisine leans toward classical French techniques however the spirit of the dining experience showcases an elegant and personalized style of se...