This week's Fresh Fitted Friday post marks the eleventh time I have shared a cap from The Clink Room, which is fitting as this Sandpipers hat was chosen for the "eleven pipers piping" lyrics in the English Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" as tomorrow is the eleventh day of Christmas. You might be saying to yourself, "sounds great, but today is the tenth day of Christmas." To which I have no good reply other than the last time January 4 fell on a Friday was in 2019, and I did not have this hat then. The next time the days align will be 2030, and my current Christmas spirit is too strong to allow me to wait until then to share this hat with you folks! Sandpipers are a common bird where I grew up in Virginia Beach so this hat speaks to me on that level first and foremost. I also have an affinity for for many aspects of Scottish culture so the only thing that could make this hat better is if it incorporated baseball somehow! The red underviso...
I'm a life-long baseball addict. Now I'm documenting it.