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Showing posts with the label Fresh Colorway

Catalina Flying Fish "Leon" (by Clinker Aaron for The Clink Room)

I had to take last week off because the reentry hangover after the Labor Day holiday weekend and a planned trip to Cape Cod the following weekend ate away at any hope of writing. Nevertheless, I am now back recharged and looking forward to a New York Yankees series win over the Boston Red Sox who are visiting Yankee Stadium for the last time this season. I was in attendance for Juan Soto's walkoff hit in Game 1 which bodes well. But instead of writing about a cap related to either of those teams, I am highlighting this Catalina Flying Fish cap that I picked up at   in a recent "Fresh Colorway" drop of this now classic logo that made its debut in a preorder in 2020. I unfortunately slept on that release and have regretted it ever since until now!  Something about the uncomplicated nature of this design has resonated with me and I am sure the same is true for countless other fans of The Clink Room as it has been remixed a few times since that first rel...