Happy Opening Day folks! I'm so very thrilled baseball is back. In fact, as I write this there are three games happening on different screens which tells you just how much I am obsessed with this game! I plan on spending all weekend watching games except for a few nightime activities I have planned to celebrate a friend's big birthday which I'm excited about too! The first initial of our birthday friend's name is "S" and she is originally from Syracuse so of course in her honor, this week's Fresh Fitted Friday selection is a Syracuse Mets on-field that the team wears while playing games on the road. Our friend has lived here in New York City since graduating from Syracuse Univeristy so the Mets connection to her hometown with this cap is perfect. She loves seeing live music in the City but even more than that loves traveling to see music so that's just another reason why this cap is perfect for her. This cap is from Bangladesh and you couldn't p...
I'm a life-long baseball addict. Now I'm documenting it.