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Showing posts with the label Orlando Rays

Montgomery Biscuits - Fresh Fitted Friday!!!!

Now that I've apparently run out of Texas League hats, it's time to move on to another theme. Because I always seem to have fun with Double-A teams, I think it makes sense to write about some Southern League caps that I've had waiting in the wings and I'm kicking things off with the Montgomery Biscuits home hat. This is the official "home" cap worn by the Biscuits. Incidentally, I was recently browsing the current cap selection on their site and it seems to be out of stock in most sizes. Does a refresh loom? Sadly, this week's cap is a "Made In China" variant which means I'm not expecting it to have a long life. One of the many things I appreciate about the Biscuits is their team's official colors are listed as "Butter and Blue" so of course I'm loving this colorway on the Butterman logo! Surprisingly enough, I've only recently come around on the Biscuits logo. I suppose that's because it seemed lik...

1990-91 Orlando SunRays hat - Fresh Fitted Friday!!!!

Now that MLB's 2018 regular season is underway, I'm back to dedicating a full seven days a week thinking about baseball as opposed to the one day a week when I posted to this blog. My appreciation for Florida minor league baseball continues this week with a hat I've been seeking out for quite a while: a 1990-91 Orlando Sun Rays hat.   The wordmark logo reads "Orlando Rays" however the team's official moniker was "Sun Rays" or "SunRays" depending on whom you ask. They wore this logo the first two years of their existence and switched to this cap logo for their final two seasons. Featuring an AJD cap two weeks in a row is definitely a record for this blog as I'm typically an unabashed New Era purist. Last week's 1992 AJD Fort Myers Miracle hat didn't have an MILB batterman so there's no way this one would but here's a photo just to be sure Their name changed to  the Orlando Cubs upon their affil...

1992 Orlando Sun Rays - Fresh Fitted Friday!!!!

Update : While I originally stated that this cap was from the later years of the Sun Rays history, I really should have also mentioned that 59Fifty tags didn't appear until 1994. This is important because while I've seen New Era use older, leftover tags on caps, this is the first clear example I've seen where they applied a 59Fifty tag from 1994 on a cap that was defunct by 1993. E ither I've been wrong about the 59Fifty tag first appearing in 1994 or that they ran out of the 1992 tags at some point in the manufacturing process and had to use the ones from 1994 instead, which is so weird. Update (4/20/2019) :  This blog has been a learning experience for me over the years but sometimes new information comes to light so I've got to fall on my sword about something here. The previous update to this post mistakenly states that the 59Fifty tag first appeared in 1994 but I've seen caps from 1992 and 1993 that have it so there's that. Because the SunRays only wo...